Whether I’m on IG or Twitter, everyone is talking about year-end fatigue and I’m sitting here wondering if this is a real thing because I don’t seem to be feeling any of it. I don’t know if it has to
Blogmas #4 | Being a Bossbabe – I Have a Press on Nails Line Now
If I could own this #bossbabe title without having to do any work I would be the happiest girl alive. lol. Anyway, I launched my press on nails line ( @vc.luxenails) on Black Friday after contemplating on it for the
Blogmas #3 | It’s My Birthday and I’m Spending the Day in Bed
[02.12.2020] As I type this, I can feel my whole body feeling weak and I’m struggling to fall asleep because this is what happens when my period starts. When I checked Flo about a week ago I felt so defeated
Blogmas #2 | 5 Years of Blogging | Blogversary
Today marks exactly 5 years since I started blogging 🙂 Time sure does fly hey. I remember publishing my first blog post on the 2nd of December 2015 and I didn’t know what to expect. I had absolutely no idea
5 Ways to Lessen Your Worry
Hey you! This is to hoping that today you are not sitting in a pool of worry. Before we get into the how I want to remind you that you deserve to be happy and that duty does not lie