If I could own this #bossbabe title without having to do any work I would be the happiest girl alive. lol. Anyway, I launched my press on nails line ( @vc.luxenails) on Black Friday after contemplating on it for the longest time.
By the time I decided to launch I was already on the verge of giving up because starting anything new is very scary. To me at least. I had to give myself a serious pep talk because if you hold on to fear you will never achieve anything and I”m not that kind of girl.
Around this same time last year, I had a clearance sale of my accessories line (@vc.accessories) and I had closed shop a full year and now I have relaunched it and I really don’t think I’m ready to make all o this happen but, I believe the one who gave me the ideas to start these two babies will surely see me through the running of both businesses.
Since I’m only doing blogmas this year, if you prefer video content you can watch my previous vlogmas videos on the playlist below