3 Podcasts to Help Influencers During the COVID-19 Pandemic

It’s no secret that we are all going through a tough time. Being an Influencer during this Civid-19 pandemic, I have found myself wondering if I should be posting certain content or not. I have struggled to figure out if I should be posting more content than usual or should I not be posting at all in case my audience thinks I am tone deaf.

It was a really difficult trying to figure out what to do. The first week of the lock down, I found myself over working, trying to produce way more content than I usually do because I saw an opportunity to keep all the people who were suddenly working from home glued to their screens and potentially grow my platforms. I didn’t see much growth. Need I say I was quickly discouraged to create as much content and I deserved that.

I pushed my body without preparing it. I pushed out content without a strategy and that’s not something anyone in business should ever do. I decided to sit myself down and strategize and part of doing so was investing in myself by expanding my social media knowledge. Before I knew it I got into the habit of listening to specific podcasts that have helped me so much and I am sure they could help you too.

They are all by women in the industry and they are different but as a collective, they share information on branding yourself and your business, marketing and all things about side hustle. I hope you enjoy them and find them as helpful as I have found them to be.

Nicaila – Side Huste Pro

Lebo – Lessons with Lion

Erica – The YouTube Power Hour

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