V A N E S S A: The fashionista behind Mis_Nessah

I am Vanessa. I’m not afraid to admit, I am a lover of the finer things in life and I have an inexplicable love for makeup. I have learnt a couple of lessons (both in fashion and makeup) and I will be sharing my knowledge fashionably on this blog J

High School opened up my eyes to a lot in terms of fashion, style and grace. I started doing my own shopping on a budget, but the joy I had while picking out and putting together outfits and accessories felt so liberating and now the tables have turned.

My personal style started developing with inspiration drawn from fashion tv channels, magazines, fashion icons, runway models and most recently certain Instagram accounts. My style has transformed from tomboy to elegant but I have managed to accommodate my former look in my new found glory – stylish, elegant girly girl look that’s simple and comfortable.

Over the years my interest in fashion has matured and I have been fortunate enough to attend some high end Fashion shows: the SADC Fashion Week, Zimbabwe Fashion week and Fashion Weekend. The fashion extravaganzas of South Africa, Southern Africa, Africa and the rest of the World are my next stop as a make-up artist, blogger and stylist.

Having relocated to Johannesburg, South Africa from Harare, Zimbabwe, I am currently working on my two brands, #IKMW a ladies clothing line and V.Chili Makeup.

Nothing much to me, I’m just a fashion and make-up fiend in character, in manner, in style, in all things fashion and make-up, the supreme excellence is simplicity.

Btw: Happy birthday to me

follow the blog on instagram: @mis_nessah

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2015-10-02 07.21.25#misnessah

18 thoughts on “V A N E S S A: The fashionista behind Mis_Nessah”

  1. The journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step. Refusing to allow societal ills to define who you are and what you can accomplish is imperative if any kind of growth is to be achieved. I applaud you Mis_Nessah for allowing your passions to drive you. Always remember to ask yourself this question, if you could do anything in the world and money wasnt the motivator what would that be? This is not just a new chapter you have flipped over. This is now a new book you have started. Remember to keep it colourful. #ikmw#birthdaytings#growthfactor

  2. I am sooo proud of you. May God continue to enlarge your territory and sphere of influence. I declare that your brand will take over nations!!! You are an original and an inspiration to many. Happy birthday dear!

  3. You are my senior in high school and it’s really refreshing to see you doing so well for yourself ? Stay winning

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