If I got a rand each time someone compliments my feed I would probably be a millionaire. Easy as it may seem there is a lot of work and planning that goes into a feed layout and even though some layouts are easier than others, they all require some type of effort, planning and a lot of dedication.
Hopefully, this post will help you come up with the type of feed you would like to represent your vibe and brand as a content creator.
Same Filter
Using the same filter gives your feed a consistent feel to it and it has to be the easiest one of them all because you won’t really have to plan your feed way in advance as each photo fits into the grid effortlessly. You can get this very same filter here.
Color Coordinated
Most people who have this style of feed post, post 3, 6 or 9 pictures of the same color and then change to another color. I believe this type of feed requires a lot of dedication and pre-planning but it looks so gorgeous.
Alternating Posts
This one is definitely a fave for lifestyle content creators and bloggers because it allows you to showcase different facets of your content besides your face and or outfits.
Same Content
This works for people who focus on a specific niche. Basically, if you are a makeup content creator all your pictures are showing a beat face, if you do flat-lay photography, all your posts are of flat-lays. It makes the feed look cohesive and every new person who comes across your feed automatically knows the type of content/niche you serve.
Column by Column
This is such a pretty and well-organized feed style especially for those of you who share quotes and still want to maintain a clean but effortless style.
More ideas here.