If you have been following me for a while then you probably know that from the time I started this blog I always made it clear that attending Fashion week was a priority in my Fashion world and this has happened countless time. My first year at SAFW, I paid for my own ticket, the second year, I sent an email introducing myself to the organizers and I have been invited as Media since then.

The question on how to be invited to events has to be the most asked in my DMs. My assumption is that most people ask this because FOMO. I’ve had countless conversations about this and honestly as much as people try to convince me otherwise, I believe that almost everyone wants to know how to get invited to launches, events etc because of certain misconceptions. One of those is that there is a correlation between event attendance and shmoney.
In this blog post, I’m going to share my experience on how I have been invited to events and I hope you will find this helpful.

Create, Create, Create!
Keep on creating even if it seems like no one is seeing or appreciating what you are putting out. There is always someone watching so be consistent in not only showing up on the TL but in producing good quality content. The more you create the better your content gets.
My first event with a skincare brand was sometime last year and they found me on Instagram. They liked my work and the rest is history.

Make Friends
Become friends with other people in the industry. Always remember that no one is an island. Becoming friends with other people will result in y’all inviting each other to events that the other isn’t invited and if you use your time at the event wisely, you will leave with a few contacts and those can lead you to your next event/collaboration.
Some of your followers work for the brands you would like to work with so be friendly to the people that follow you. My first ever paid campaign was in 2018 and I found out that one of the girls I communicated with on Instagram had pitched me for the campaign. I didn’t know that she worked in PR. She says that she pitched me because my work was good and I was nice to her whenever we conversed in the DMs.
Reach out to Brands
If you have a clearly defined niche(s) then you should always have a list of the brands that you would like to work with. Make it a point to engage on their content, find out who to communicate with and shoot your shot. In this twitter thread, I shared how I got to intern at Cosmopolitan as a result of my persistence and constantly engaging with their Instagram. I paid to attend their events and made an effort to connect with their employees.
Most times, people don’t reach out to you because they don’t know you exists so take initiative and introduce yourself to them.

Let me know what post you would like to read next 🙂
Couldn’t agree more with consistency… I struggled big time with consistency because I always thought I needed the perfect post. So now I’ve decided to stick to a day in a week where I’ll post consistently and then grow from there
Perfections kills a lot of dreams sis. Just be realistic with what you can post and it wil be much easier to be consisten.
That’s a great article and thank you for sharing the tips too. But to the mean influencers how do you take that and turn it into something worthwhile?
Thanks for reading babe. Honestly it’s not your job to worry about anyone being “mean.” Anyone who is “mean” to you doesn’t deserve you.
Very insightful. Do PR’s look at your following?or the quality of your work and how consistent you’re?
Hey hun. No stone is left unturned. They look at everything. Your following should be authentic and organically acquired, your work should be good quality and you should be consistent.