It’s really been a while since I’ve been here. Actually, I am here every week to schedule guest posts but I just haven’t made time to type something but that’s all about to change. As a creative sometimes the creativity just isn’t there and whenever I feel that way I let myself chill and recuperate and that’s exactly what I did for the past few weeks and I am feeling way more creative than I did just over a month ago.
Anyway, I’m really enjoying sharing this platform with other bloggers/influences, I hope you are too.

I really don’t have much to share except that, I woke up feeling super energetic, in a very happy but unproductive mood today lol. I’d like to believe we’ve all experienced a day or two like this so I thought I’d share what I’ve been up to and you can let me know what’s happening there by you.
First of all, if you follow me on Instagram then I’m sure you’ve seen me sharing my pretty drinks on the TL. I’ve really been enjoying making mocktails now that we are in summer and girrrl, I am slaying this thing-lol.
Shout out, this is the first time I’m sharing makeup-less photos of myself on my blog. It’s really not a big deal because I share bare face pics on my stories from tie to time but I, yay me for sharing these here.

I’ve been cleaning my space and I came across a lot of clothes that I haven’t worn in a while and this dungaree is one of those clothes. I bought it in 2018. I needed it for my first paid campaign which I shot with Missblack Footwear but I never wore it again. I actually forgot about it because it’s not really something that fits in with my typical style but this thing is comfortable. MrP really did a thing here! I could literally wear a dungaree every single day of the week.
Like I said earlier, I don’t have much to share. I just wanted to say hi and let you know I’m still here. Hope you are keeping well.
By the way, you should pay my podcast a visit, Feminine Chats with Vee.
Sending hugs and kisses!!! And positivity.
This dungaree is really nice, although I’ve actually never been one to wear those myself.
P.S I subbed to your podcast too!
xx Val
Thank you Val. lol dungarees really are an acquired item of clothing but they are pretty comfortable.